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Ludus Tonalis

JSBach's instrumental concerts

  • Double concerto in D minor for two violins and orchestra, BWV1043

  • Triple Concerto in A minor for flute, violin, harpsichord and orchestra, BWV1044

  • Double Concerto in C minor for oboe, violin and orchestra, BWV 1060 (arr. for 2 violins)

  • Triple Concerto in D major (Brandenburg Concerto No. 5) for flute, violin, harpsichord and orchestra, BWV1050a (early version)


flute, 4 violins, viola, cello, double bass, harpsichord, harpsichord

Characteristics of the program:

The name of the program points to the author's masterly playing with tones in a tangle of polyphony, virtuosity and sound color, which is hidden in the music of Johann Sebastian. The program focuses on instrumental concerts that do not appear on our concert stages that often (triple concerto in A minor, double concerto in C minor), as well as concerts that are a well-known delicacy for lovers of early music. This project should also be a strong presentation of the ensemble's virtuosity. The technical difficulty and complexity of the musical text requires the skill of the musicians and extensive knowledge in the field of historically informed interpretation.

All the listed concerts were composed in Köthen. In December 2017, exactly 300 years have passed since Johann Sebastian Bach took up the position of bandmaster at the court of Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Köthen.

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