The ensemble has long been dedicated to discovering and performing French Baroque music with period instrumentation, and a sort of first milestone in this effort is the debut CD of works by the somewhat neglected composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier, released in 2022. The inimitable sound and colour of this music is enhanced by the use of copies of period instruments and also authentic low tuning (a1=392Hz).
The recording is a real rarity in Slovakia.
Il Cuore Barocco
Tereza Zimková - soprano
Mária Posch - baroque transverse flute
Radka Kubínová- baroque transverse flute
Peter Zelenka - artistic leader, baroque violin
Adam Szendrei - baroque violin
Michal Raitmajer - viola da gamba
Adam Štefunko - harpsichord
Jakub Mitrík - theorbo, baroque guitar
CD consists of the musical pieces played at the concerts in Košice (2013) and Spišská Nová Ves (2018). In the times of perfect recordings and various recording possibilities, we would like to bring the LIVE atmosphere of the concerts to our listeners.
Il Cuore Barocco
Michaela Kušteková (2018) - soprano
Mária Rendešová - transverse flute
Tomáš Kardoš - cello, artistic leader
Peter Zelenka, Adam Szendrei - violin
Lucie Vinklerová (2013), Esther Neumann (2018) - viola
Romana Uhlíková (2013) - double bass
Jakub Mitrík - theorbo
Štefan Iľaš - organ
Jana Zelenková (2013) - harpsichord